Chapter XXVI of C.M. Woodward's A History of the St. Louis Bridge[1] is addressed to an audience of professional engineers and assumes that the reader is well-versed in engineering principals. It describes step-by-step the derivation of the equations used to analyze an arch but says little about the reasoning behind the steps. The following pages provides some background. This is a technical discussion, for a general explanation of the equations see the Theory of the Ribbed Arch page of this website.
Text from Chapter XXVI is quoted in the left column. Comments appear in the right column. The red numbers at the top of each section are the page number in Woodward on which the original text appears. Colored backgrounds on the following pages identify portions of the calculation related to the moment reaction (Na), horizontal reaction (Q), and vertical reaction (P).
AG & A1G1= Reinforced sections
AB = Loaded section of arch (load = q ton / foot of deck)
F = Variable point under consideration
located at coordinates x, y
b = CD = Rise
φ = Angle of normal to neutral axis at F relative to vertical,
     before flexure.
φ1 = Angle normal at F from vertical, after flexure.
s = Arc length AF
ds = Infinitesimal of arc = - Rdφ
q = Load in tons per linear foot of deck
Angles (in radians)
α = COA = half span
γ = COG     Sinγ = (1-p)sinα
φ = COF     Sinφ = (1-m)sinα
β = COB     Sinβ = (1-n)sinα
a = Half-span
pa = Extent of reinforced section as fraction of half-span
ma = x coordinate of F as fraction of half-span
na = Extent of loaded area as fraction of half-span
Text | Commentary |
331 – 335 | |
See the original text for p331-335. The initial pages of the chapter provide context and introduce constants and variables. This discussion is omitted here to save space. The constants and variables are defined in the comments column opposite. |
Pages 331 - 335 describe the alternatives explored on the way to the final design and introduce the parameters and variables used in the calculations. The analysis considers the action of a single rib of the arch. |
List of Constants and VariablesSee figure 9 for angles and dimensionsF =    Variable point on center-line of the arch under consideration x,y =   Coordinates of F before flexure x1,y1 =   Coordinates of F after flexure R =    Radius of center-line of arch = 736 ft a =    Half of the span na =   Horizontal extent of loaded area as ma =   Horizontal coordinate of F as fraction of a pa =   Horizontal coordinate of G as fraction of a Na, N1a =  Moments exerted by piers P, P1 =  Vertical reactions at piers Q, Q1 =  Horizontal reactions at piers q =   Load on arch rib in tons per horizontal foot S’=   Axial force acting tangent to the arch’s neutral axis S’’ =  Shear force parallel to normal section. Positive acts toward center of arch at left end of part A-F of the arch. M =   Moment. Positive is counterclockwise at left end of part A-F of bridge s =   arc length ds =  infinitesimal element of s φ =   angle of normal section to vertical before flexure φ1 =   angle of normal section to vertical after flexure ω =   The cross-sectional area of an arch chord δ =    Distance between centers of gravity of the chords = 12 ft θ =    Moment of inertia of the normal section of the arch ε =   Modulus of elasticity | |
ds = - Rdφ (1) |
Equation (1) – Element of Arc An infinitesimal element of arc, ds, = -1 x radius multiplied by the infinitesimal angle, dφ, subtended by the arc element. (Angles in radians) |
Where the arch is composed, as in the present case, of two members of small sectional areas at a considerable distance from the neutral axis, the moment of inertia may be computed with sufficient exactness by conceiving all the internal forces of each member to act only at its center of gravity; so that, if
ω = the area of a section of a member, δ = the distance between the centers of gravity of the members, θ = the moment of inertia of the normal section of the arch, we have θ = 2ω(δ/2)2 = ωδ2/2 (2) |
Equation (2) – Moment of Inertia Formula for moment of Inertia of a symmetrical cross- section with area concentrated in chords or flanges far from the neutral axis. |
dφ1 – dφ = (RM/εθ) dφ (3) |
Equation (3) – Angular Deflection of an Element Moment acting on an infinitesimal element of the arch changes the curvature of the element. This change is quantified as (dφ1 — dφ), the difference between the angle of the normal plane at the infinitesimal element, relative to vertical, before and after deflection. (See figure 4) This commentary will use the term “angular deflection“ to denote this change of angle. |
x = ma=R(sinα – sinφ)(4)
y = R(cosφ – cosα) na = R(sinα – sinβ) pa = R(sinα – sinγ) |
Polar Coordinates Equations (4) restate linear dimensions in the polar coordinate system used throughout the calculations. Locations along the arch's neutral axis are defined as functions of angle relative to the arch's vertical centerline. (Angles in radians). |
336 | |
The whole load on a rib will be qna. The conditions of the equilibrium of the whole arch are: |
Load Only uniform loading is considered. q = load in lb/ft of deck carried by the arch rib. na = fraction of half-span (a) covered by the load. |
Q1 = Q,
P1 = qna — P, N1a = — Na + 2Pa — qna[2a — [na/2)], = — Na + 2Pa — 2qna2[1 — (n/4)], (6) by which the resistances at the right pier can be determined if those at the left pier are known. In deducing the last equation, or the equation of the moments, we have taken the moments about A1; the same equation can be found by taking the moments about A, observing that from the nature of the couples denoted by Na and N1a, they may be transferred to any point in the system under consideration, and hence, the whole arch being here considered, they may both be regarded as acting either at A1 or at A. |
Equations of Static Equilibrium The first equation neglects the sign. It should read Q1 = - Q (See direction of forces in Fig 7) ∑ Fx = 0    Q1 + Q = 0 ∑ Fy = 0    qna + P + P1 = 0 ∑ M = 0   N1a + Na - 2Pa + 2qna2[1 — (n/4)] = 0 |
If now, δ being the distance between the members, we put
ω = the sectional area of the center-piece, from G to G1, ω1 = the sectional area of the end-pieces, from A to G, and from A1 to G1, θ= ωδ2/2 = the moment of inertia of the section of the center-piece, θ1 = ω1δ2/2 the moment of inertia of the section of an end-piece, we shall have, by equation (3), for the center-piece from x = pa to x = (2 — p)a; that is, from φ = γ to φ = —γ, dφ1 — dφ = (RM/εθ)dφ (VII) and for an end-piece from x = 0 to x = pa, and from x = (2 — p)a to x = 2a; that is, from φ= α to φ = γ, and from φ = — γ to φ = — α, dφ1 — dφ = (RM/εθ1)dφ. (7) |
1 - Deflection / Curvature in terms of M Letting θ and θ1 refer to the moment of inertia of the reinforced and non-reinforced portions of the arch, equation (3) becomes equations (VII) and (7) giving the angular deflection of an infinitesimal element of the arch in terms of moment M, the modulus of elasticity of steel ε, and moments of inertia. See figure 5 |
These equations result from a consideration of the internal forces, and, as these are in equilibrium with the external forces, we have only to substitute in them the values of M in terms of the external forces P, Q, Na, and qna.
Considering now the external forces acting on the portion AF of the arch, we have, the axis of moments being at F and the position of F being variable, at the point (x, y): — |
a. For loaded part, from x = 0 to x = na, M = Na + (qx2/2) — Px + Qy; or by (4), M= NRsinα — PR(sinα — sinφ) + QR(cosφ — cosα) + [(qR2)/2](sinα — sinφ)2. (8a) b. For unloaded part, from x = na to x = 2a, M = NRsinα — PR(sinα — sinφ) + QR(cosφ — cosα) — qR2 sin φ (sinα — sinβ) + [(qR2)/2] (sin2α — sin2β). (8b) |
2 - Moments in terms of φ, N, P, Q and loads The first equation listed for the loaded and the unloaded parts of the arch express moment in terms of dimension “a” (length of half-span) and the x and y coordinate of the point on the arch which is under consideration. In the second equation; (8a) or (8b); x, y, and a are translated into the polar coordinate system used throughout the calculations. Angles are given in radians. |
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Supposing now β to fall between + γ and — γ, we obtain from (VII) and (7), by substituting the values of M from (8a) and (8b), and integrating, we have |
3 - Extent of Loaded Area The uniform load imposed on the arch extends from the left support, across one reinforced end piece, and part-way across the un-reinforced center section. This yields four conditions of loading: loaded end piece, loaded center section, unloaded center, and unloaded end. |
a. For loaded part: —
End-piece,    (9a) Center-piece,    (IXa) b. For unloaded part: — Center-piece,    (IXb) End-piece, (9b) |
4 - Angular Deflection within the four sections of the arch, in terms of φ, N, P, Q Equations (VII) and (7) describe deflection of an infinitesimal element in terms of M. Equations (8a) and (8b) give M in terms of φ and unknown reactions N, P, and Q. Substituting equations (8a) and (8b) for the term M in equations (VII) and (7) produces new equations stating infinitesimal deflection (dφ1 - dφ) in terms of φ and the unknown reactions N, P, and Q. Integrating these equations yields equations (9a), (IXa), (IXb), and (9b) for total deflection (φ1 – φ), at locations within each of the four sections of the arch (loaded, unloaded, etc.) Each of these equations includes a constant of integration which summarizes the accumulated influence of the preceeding sections of the arch. |
in which A, B, A1, B1 are constants of integration.
To determine relations between these constants, whence finally the values of the constants themselves will be found, we observe that (9a) and (IXa) must be identical for φ = γ and (9b) and (IXb) must be identical for φ = — γ hence 0 = (θ1 — θ) {[Nsinα — Psinα — Qcosα +qR/2)sin2α + (qR/4)]γ — (P — qa)cosγ + Qsinγ — (qR/4)sinγcosγ} + θ1A1 — θA, 0 = (θ1 — θ) {[— Nsinα + Psinα + Qcosα — (qR/2)sin2α + (qR/2)sin2β]γ — (P — qa + qRsinβ)cosγ — Qsinγ} + θ1B1 — θB; and from these equations, by subtraction, 0 = (θ1 — θ) {2γ ([Nsinα — Psinα — Qcosα + (qR/2)sin2α + qR/8 — (qR/4)sin2β] + qRsinβ cosγ + 2Qsinγ — (qR/4)sinγcosγ} + θ1(A1 — B1) — θ(A — B). (10) |
5 - Constants of Integration (A1-B1) and (A-B) At the point of transition between the reinforced end and unreinforced center sections of the arch (at φ = γ and φ = -γ), the deflections of the adjacent sections are known to be equal. The deflection equations for the two sections can be subtracted and set equal to 0. At the loaded end of the arch, subtracting (9a) from (IXa) yields an equation containing constants A1 and A. At the unloaded end, subtraction (9b) from (IXb) yields an equation containing constants B1 and B Subtracting these two equations arrives at equation (10), which includes all three reactions and also all of the constants of integration in the form (A1 - B1) and (A – B). |
Again, (IXa) and (IXb) must be identical for φ = β therefore
A1 — B1 = —(qR/4)(β + 2βsin2β + 3sinβcosβ)                 = —(qR/4)μ, |
6 - Equation for (A1-B1) in terms of constants At the point transition from loaded to unloaded section of the arch (at φ = β), the deflections predicted by equations (IXa) and (IXb) must be equal. A value for the pair of constants (A1-B1) is obtained by replacing φ in the equations with its value at the transition, (β), and then subtracting the equations. |
The arch being fixed at the piers, we must have φ1 — φ = 0 for φ = α in (9a), and
φ1 — φ = 0 for φ = - α in (9b); hence A — B = —2α[Nsinα — Psinα — Qcosα + (qR/2)sin2α +(qR/8) — (qR/4)sin2β] — qRsinβ cosα — 2Qsinα + (qR/4)sinα cosα. |
7 - Equation for (A – B) in terms of φ, N, P, and Q At the fixed ends of the arch (at φ = α and at φ = -α), the deflection predicted by equations (9a) and (9b) is known to be 0. This allows (9a) and (9b) to be equated. A value for the pair of constants (A – B) is obtained by replacing φ in equations (9a) and (9b) with its values at the respective ends of the arch (α and -α) and subtracting the equations. |
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By introducing these values of (A1 — B1,) and (A — B) into equation (10), and for brevity putting
σ = (θ/θ1)α + [(θ1 — θ)/θ1]γ, σ1 = (θ/θ1)sinα cosα + [(θ1 — θ)/θ1]sinγ cosγ, σ2= (θ/θ1)sinα + [(θ1 — θ)/θ1]sin γ σ3 = (θ/θ1)cosα + [(θ1 — θ)/θ1]cosγ we deduce |
8 - Nsinα in terms of P and Q Replacing the factors (A1 — B1,) and (A — B) in equation (10) with their values defined above yields equation (11), which states Nsinα in terms of unknown reactions P and Q and constants. |
Substituting this value of Nsinα in the equations (9) and (IX), and for brevity putting
G = —Q ∙ (σ2/σ) + qR[—(σ3/σ) ∙ (sinβ/2) + (μ/8σ) + (σ1/8σ)], H = qR[1/8 + (sin2β/4)], the equations become φ1 — φ = (R2/εθ) {(G + H)φ — (P — qa)cosφ + Qsinφ — (qR/4)sinφ cosφ + A1}, (XIIa) φ1 — φ = (R2/εθ) {(G — H)φ — (P — qa + qRsinβ)cosφ +Qsinφ + B1}, (XIIb) φ1 — φ = (R2/εθ1) {(G - H)φ — (P — qa + qRsinβ)cosφ Qsinφ +B}. (12b) |
9 - Angular Deflection in terms of φ, P, and Q. Equations 9 and IX state deflection in terms of φ and unknown reactions Na (= Nsinα), P, and Q. Replacing the factor Nsinα in equations (9) with its value from equation (11) yields equations (12) and (XII). These provide the angular deflection (φ1 — φ) in terms of φ, unknown reactions P and Q, and constants G and H which are introduced to consolidate several reoccurring terms. |
ds = ds1 = -Rdφ As arc length ds approaches limit, undeflected arc ds and deflected arc ds1 approach straight lines, angle φ1 approaches φ, and arc (φ1 – φ)ds approaches a straight line at angle φ from vertical. figure 10 – Element of Neutral Axis, |
ds = ds1 = -Rdφ
As arc length ds approaches limit: dx1-dx = -Rdφ(cosφ1-cosφ) = figure 11 – Horizontal Deflection |
s = -Rdφ
As arc length ds approaches limit: dy1-dy = ds(sinφ1-sinφ) = ds(φ1-φ)cosφ dy1-dy = -Rdφ(sinφ1-sinφ) = -Rdφ(φ1-φ)cosφ figure 12 – Vertical Deflection |
Now since we have for the undeflected arc s and the deflected arc s1
dx = dscosφ, dx1 = ds1cosφ1 , dy = dssinφ, dy1 = ds1sinφ1 , and ds = ds1 = — Rd φ, there follows very nearly dx1 — dx = — Rdφ(cos φ1 — cosφ) = Rd φ( φ1 — φ)sinφ, dy1 — dy = — Rd φ(sin φ1 — sinφ) = — Rd φ( φ1 — φ)cosφ. |
10 - Horizontal and Vertical Deflection due to Angular Deflection These equations relate the horizontal and vertical deflection of an infinitesimal element of the arch to the total angular deflection (φ1-φ) at the element. Bending does not appreciably change the length of the neutral axis. The length of the element after flexure is equal to the length before: ds1 = ds For derivation of the equations for horizontal and vertical deflection, see figures 10, 11, 12. |
Hence, multiplying the equations (12) and (XII) by Rdφ sinφ and integrating, We find for the different parts of the arch the horizontal deflections: — x1 — x = (R3/εθ1){(G + H)(sinφ — φcosφ) — (P — qa)(sin2φ/2) + Q ∙ [(φ — sinφ cosφ)/2] —(qR/12)sin3φ — Acosφ + C}, (13a) x1 — x = (R3/εθ){(G + H)(sinφ — φcosφ — (P — qa)(sin2φ/2) + Q ∙ [(φ — sinφ cosφ)/2] — (qR/12)sin3φ — A1cosφ + C1}, (XIIIa) x1 — x = (R3/εθ) {(G — H)(sinφ — φcosφ) — (P — qa + qRsinβ)(sin2)φ/2 + Q ∙ [(φ — sinφ cosφ)/2] — B1cosφ + D1}, (XIIIb) See p339 for equation (13b) |
11 - Horizontal Deflection in terms of φ, P, and Q Equations (12) and (XII) provide the angular deflection (φ1 — φ) in terms of φ and reactions P and Q. The equation above, dx1 - dx = Rd φ(φ1 - φ) sinφ, states incremental horizontal deflection in terms of angular deflection. Substituting equations (12) and (XII) for the term (φ1 — φ) creates equations for the incremental deflection (dx1-dx). Integrating the equations for (dx1-dx) produces equations (13) and (XIII), stating total horizontal deflection (x1 -x) in terms of φ, P and Q. Integration produces constants of integration C, C1, D1 , and D. |
339 | |
x1 — x = (R3/εθ1) {(G — H)(sinφ — φcosφ) — (P — qa + qR sinβ) (sin2φ/2) + Q ∙ [(φ — sinφ cosφ)/2] — Bcosφ + D}. (13b) | |
And multiplying (12) and (XII) by — Rd φcosφ and integrating, we find the corresponding vertical deflections: —
y1 — y = (R3/εθ1) { — (G + H) (cosφ + φ sinφ) + (P — qa) [(φ + sinφ cosφ)/2] ∙ — Q ∙[(sin2φ)/2] — (qR/12) cos3φ — A sinφ + E (14a) y1 — y = (R3/εθ) { — (G + H) (cosφ + φsinφ) + (P — qa) [(φ + sinφ cosφ)/2] — Q ∙ [(sin2φ)/2] — (qR/12) cos3φ — A1 sinφ + E1}, (XIVa) y1 — y = (R3/εθ) { — (G - H) (cosφ + φ sinφ) + (P — qa + qRsinβ) [(φ +sinφ cosφ)/2] — Q ∙ (sin2φ/2) — B1 sinφ + F1}, (XIVb) y1 — y = (R3/εθ1) { — (G - H) (cosφ + φ sinφ) + (P — qa + qR sinβ) [(φ +sinφ cosφ)/2] — Q ∙ (sin2φ/2) — B sinφ + F}, (14b) |
12 - Vertical Deflection in terms of φ, P, and Q Equations (12) and (XII) provide angular deflection (φ1 — φ) in terms of φ and reactions P and Q. The equation above, dy1 - dy = — Rd φ( φ1 - φ)cosφ, states incremental linear deflection in terms of angular deflection. Substituting equations (12) and (XII) for the term (φ1 — φ) creates equations for the incremental deflection (dy1-dy) Integrating the equations for (dy1-dy) produces equations (14) and (XIV), for total vertical deflection (y1-y) in terms of φ, P, and Q. Integration produces constants of integration E, E1, F1, and F. |
Since (13a) and (XIIIa) are identical for φ = γ, and (13b) and (XIIIb) are identical for φ = — γ, we deduce
0 = (θ1 — θ) {(G + H) (sin γ — γ cosγ) — (P qa) — [(sin2γ)/2] + Q[(γ — sin γ cosγ)/2] — (qR/12) sin3γ} — (θ1A1 — θA) cosγ + θ1C1 — θC, 0 = (θ1 — θ) { — (G + H) (sin γ — γ cosγ) — (P — qa + qR sinβ) ∙ [(sin2γ)/2] — Q ∙ [(γ — sinγ cosγ)/2]} — (θ1B1 — θ B) cosγ + θ1D1 — θD; and from these, by subtraction, |
13 - Reaction Q and Constants of Integration (A-B), (A1-B1), (C1-D1), and (C-D) At the point of transition between sections of the arch, the deflections of the two adjacent sections is known to be equal. The deflection equations for the two sections can be subtracted and set equal to 0. At the loaded end of the arch, subtracting (13a) from (XIIIa) yields an equation containing constants C1 and C. At the unloaded end, subtraction (13b) from (XIIIb) yields an equation containing constants D1 and D. Subtracting these last two equations arrives at equation (15), which includes reaction Q and constants of integration in the form (A1 – B1), (A – B). (C1-D1), and (C-D). |
The equations (XIIIa) and (XIIIb) are identical for θ = β and hence
0 = 2H (sin β — β cosβ) + (qR/2)sin3β — (qR/12)sin3 β — (A1 — B1) cosβ + C1 — D1. Introducing the values of H and (A1 — B1) before given (pp. 337, 338), we deduce C1 — D1 = — qR (sinβ + sin3β/6) = qRν in which ν =sinβ + (sin3β)/6 |
14 - Value of (C1-D1) At the point of transition between loaded and unloaded parts of the arch, the deflections of the two adjacent parts is known to be equal. The deflection equations for the two sections can be subtracted and set equal to 0. Subtracting (XIIIb) from (XIIIa), yields an equation containing the constant H, (C1-D1), and (A1-B1). Substituting the values for H and (A1-B1) which are established above, produces an equation for (C1-D1) in terms of constants. |
The equation (13a) gives x1 — x = 0 for φ = α, and (13b) gives x1 — x = 0 for φ = — α and hence the difference of these equations, when these substitutions are made, gives
C — D= — 2G( sinα — αcosα) — [(qRsinβ sin2α)/2] — Q(α — sinα cosα) + (qR/12)sin3α + (A — B) cos α |
15 - (C-D) in terms of Q and (A-B) At the ends of the arch, the deflection predicted by equations (13a) and (13b) is known to be 0. A equation for the pair of constants (C – D) is obtained by replacing φ in equations (13a) and (13b) with its values at the respective ends of the arch (α and α ) and subtracting the equations. This equation contains unknown Q and constants (A-B). |
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The equation (12a) gives φ1—φ = 0 for φ=α and (12b) gives φ1—φ=0 for φ=—α and hence the difference of the equations, these substitutions being made, gives
A — B = — 2Ga — qRsinβ cosα — 2Qsinα + (qR/4)sinα cosα, |
16 - (A-B) in terms of Q The previous equation for (A-B) included the unknown reactions Nsinα, P and Q. Here we derive a new equation that does not include Nsinα or P. At the ends of the arch, the deflection predicted by equations (12a) and (12b) is known to be 0. A new equation for (A – B) is obtained by replacing φ in equations (12a) and (12b) with its values at the respective ends of the arch (α and -α) and subtracting the equations. This equation contains unknown Q and constants. |
which, substituted in the preceding value of C — D, gives
C — D = — 2Gsinα — qRsinβ[1 — (sin2α)/2] — Q(α + sinα cosα) + qR [[(sin α)/4] — [(sin3α)/6]]. |
17 - (C-D) in terms of Q Previous equation for C-D included the factors Q and (A-B). Substituting the new value for (A-B) results in an equation for C-D in terms of unknown Q and constants. |
The equation (15) becomes, by substituting the values of (A1 — B1), (C1 — D1), (A — B), and (C — D),
0 = 2G{(θ1 — θ) (sinγ — γcosγ) + θ (sinα — αcosγ)} + Q{ (θ1 — θ) (γ — sin γ cosγ) + θ(α + sinα cosα — 2sinα cosγ)} +qRsinβ{(θ1 — θ)[(sin2γ)/2] + θ(1 — cosα cosγ — [(sin2 α)/2])} + qR{— (θ1 — θ)[(sin3γ)/12] + θ[[(sinα cosα cosγ)/4] — [(sinα)/4] + [(sin3α)/6]]} + qRθ1[[(cosγ)/4]μ — ν]. If in this equation we substitute for G and ν their values, and then for brevity put σ4= (θ/θ1) ∙ [(sin2α)/2] + [(θ1 — θ)/θ1] ∙ [(sin2 γ)/2] σ5= (θ/θ1) ∙ [(sin3α)/6] + [(θ1 — θ)/θ1] ∙ [(sin3γ)/6] and with these, together with the quantities σ, σ1, σ2, σ3 before introduced, compute the following quantities: — χ = σ + σ1 — (2σ22/σ) we shall obtain the following formula for Q: — Q = (qR/χ) (χ1sinβ — χ2μ + χ3 + (1/6)sin3 β). (16) |
18 - Equation for Q After substituting the values for (A-B), (A-B1), (C-D), (C1-D1), G, and H into equation (15), together with other previously-established constants, the equation reduces to (16), giving Q in terms of constants. |
The equations (14a) and (XIVa) are identical for φ = γ, while (14b) and (XIVb) are identical for φ = — γ; hence, making these substitutions, we deduce
0 = (θ1 — θ){(G + H)(cosγ + γsinγ) — (P — qa)[(γ + sinγcosγ)/2] + Q[(sin2γ)/2] + (qR/12)cos3γ} + (θ1A1 — θA)sinγ — (θ1E1 — θE), 0 = (θ1 — θ){(G — H)(cosγ + γsinγ) + (P — + qaqRsinβ)[(γ + sinγcosγ)/2] +Q[(sin2γ)/2]} — (θ1B1 — θB)sinγ — (θ1F1 — θF), and from these, by subtraction, 0 = (θ1 - θ) {2H(cosγ + γsinγ) — [P — qa + ((qRsinβ)/2)] (γ + sinγcosγ) + (qR/12)cos3γ} + θ1(A1 + B1)sinγ — θ (A + B)sinγ — θ1(E1 — F1) + θ(E — F). (17) |
19 - Reaction P and Constants of Integration (E1 - F1) and (E - F). At the point of transition between sections of the arch, the deflections of the two adjacent sections is known to be equal. The deflection equations for the two sections can be subtracted and set equal to 0. At the loaded end of the arch, subtracting 14a from XIVa yields an equation containing constants A1, A, E1 and E. At the unloaded end, subtraction (14b) from (XIVb) yields an equation containing constants B1, B, F1 and F. Subtracting these two equations arrives at equation (17), which includes, in addition to H and other previously defined constants, unknown reaction P and also constants of integration |
The equations (XIVa) and (XIVb) are identical for φ = β hence
0 = 2H(cosβ + βsinβ) + [(qRsin β)/2] (β + sinβcosβ + (qR/12)cos3β + (A1 — B1,)sinβ — (E1 — F1), which, when the previous values of H and (A1 — B1) are substituted, gives E1 — F1 = qR[((cos β)/2) + ((βsinβ)/2) — ((cos3β)/6)] = qRε, in which ε = [(cosβ)/2] +[(βsinβ)/2] — [(cos3β)/6]. |
20 - Value of (E1-F1) At the point of transition between loaded and unloaded parts of the arch, the deflections of the two adjacent parts is known to be equal. The deflection equations for the two sections can be subtracted and set equal to 0. Subtracting (XIVb) from (XIVa), yields an equation containing the term (E1-F1), and (A1-B1). Substituting the values for H and (A1-B1) which are established above, produces an equation for (E1-F1) in terms of constants. |
341 | |
If we take the equations (p. 337) from which (10) was deduced by subtraction, and add them, we find
0 = (θ1 — θ) {2Hγ — 2 [P — qa + ((qRsinβ)/2)]cosγ — (qR/4)sinγcosγ} + θ1(A1 + B1) — θ(A + B). Multiplying this by sinγ, and subtracting it from (17), we have 0 = ( θ1 — θ) {2H cosγ — (P — qa + qRsinβ) (γ — sinγcosγ) + qR[((cosγ)/4) — ((cos3γ)/6)] — θ(E1 — F1) + θ (E — F). (18) |
21 - P, (E1-F1) and (E-F) Each of the equations equals 0. Adding them produces a new equation, still equal to 0 and including as terms the reaction P, constants of integration (A1 + B1) and (A + B), and other previously-defined constants. Multiplying both sides of this equation by sinγ converts the θ1(A1 + B1) and θ(A + B) terms into θ1(A1 + B1)sinγ and θ (A + B)sinγ. Subtracting this new equation from (17) cancels these terms from (17) to produce equation (18) containing reaction P, (E1-F1) and (E-F). |
Since (14a) must give y1 — y = 0 for φ = a, and (14b) must give y1 — y = 0 for φ = — α their difference, when these substitutions are made, is
0 = 2H (cos α + α sin α ) — [P — qa + ((qRsinβ)/2)](α + sinαcosα) + (qR/12)cos3α + (A + B)sinα — (E — F); |
22 - (A+B)sinα and (E-F) At the ends of the arch, the deflection predicted by equations (14a) and (14b) is known to be 0. An equation including the pair of constants (A+B)sinα and (E-F) is obtained by replacing φ in equations (14a) and (14b) with its values at the respective ends of the arch (α and α ) and subtracting the equations. |
and the same substitutions being made in (12a) and (12b), their sum gives
0 = 2Ha — 2 [P — qa + ((qRsinβ)/2)]cosα — (qR/4)sinαcosα + A + B;
23 - (A+B) At the ends of the arch, the deflection predicted by equations (12a) and (12b) is known to be 0. An equation for the pair of constants (A+B) is obtained by replacing φ in equations (12a) and (12b) with its values at the respective ends of the arch (α and α ) and adding the equations. |
With this value of (E — F) and the values of (E1 — F1) and H, equation (18) now becomes
0 = (θ — θ) {(qR)/2)sin2βcosγ + qR[((cosγ)/2) — ((cos3γ)/6)]} + θ{[(qR)/2]sin2βcosα + qR[((cos α)/2) — ((cos3α)/6)]} — θ1 qRε — [P — qa + ((qRsinβ)/2)]{θ(α — sinα cosα) + ( θ1 — θ) (γ — sinγcosγ)}, and from this, by introducing the following additional auxiliary σ6= (θ/θ1) [(cos3α)/3] + [( θ1 — θ)/θ1] + [(cos3γ)/3] we find for the vertical resistance of the left pier the formula P = qR{[σ3/(σ — σ1)] [(sin2β)/2] — [(sinβ)/2] — [ε/(σ — σ1)] + [( σ3 — σ6)/2(σ — σ1)] + sin α} (19) |
24 - Equation for P After substituting the values for (E-F), (E1-F1), and H into equation (18), together with previously-defined constants, the equation reduces to (19), giving P in terms of constants. |
The values of Q and P being computed by (16) and (19), we can then find N (and Na = NRsinα) by means of (11), and finally the resistances P1, Q1, N1α at the right pier by means of equations (6). |
25 - P, Q, Na, P1, Q1, N1a With the three reactions at the left end of the arch defined, the three reactions at the right end are found by applying the equations for static equilibrium. |
For the calculations of the deflections by the equations (13), (XIII), (14), and (XIV), we have yet to determine the constants A, B, C, etc. |
26 - Constants of Integration A, B, C, D, E, F, A1, B1, C1, D1, E1, and F1 In the steps above, constants of integration are used in pairs (A+B) etc. The deflection calculations in Chapter XXVI require values for the individual constants. Equations for them are derived in the next six steps. Solutions to these equations are tabulated on page 353, Chapter XXVI. |
We have already found
A+B = — 2Hα + 2[P — qa + ((qRsinβ)/2)]cosα + [(qR)/4]sinαcos α, A - B = — 2Gα — qRsinβcosα — 2Qsinα + [(qR)/4]sinαcosα, from which A and B are immediately deduced. |
27 - A and B Previously-derived equations for pairs of constants are subtracted to isolate the individual constants. |
By putting φ = α in (13a), and φ = — α in (13b), and adding the equations (the first members being then zero), we obtain an equation involving (A + B) and (C + D), and by substituting the preceding value of (A + B), the value of (C + D) is obtained; and thus, with the value of (C — D) already found, we have
C + D = — 2Hsinα + 2[P — qa + ((qRsinβ)/2)][1 — ((sin2α)/2)] + qR[((sinα)/4) — ((sin3α)/6)], C — D = — 2Gsinα — qRsinβ[1 — ((sin2α)/2)] — Q(α + sinαcosα) + qR[((sin α)/4) — (sin3α)/6)] from which C and D are found. |
28 - C and D By applying (13a) and (13b) to the ends of the arch, where the deflection is known to be zero, the two can be combined, yielding an equation containing (A+B) and (C+D). From this, by substitution and subtraction, equations are produced giving C and D in terms of constants. |
342 | |
By putting φ = α in (14a) and φ = — α in (14b) and adding the equations (the first members being then zero), we obtain a relation between (A — B) and (E + F), in which we have only to substitute the preceding value of (A — B) to obtain (E + F). This, with the value of {E — F), already found, gives
E + F = 2Gcosα + [(qR sinβ)/2](α — sinαcosα) — Qsin2α +qR[((cosα)/4) — ((cos3α)/6)], E — F = 2Hcosα — [P — qα + ((qR sin β)/2)](α — sinαcosα) +qR[((cosα)/4) — ((cos3α)/6)], whence E and F are found. |
29 - E and F By applying (14a) and (14b) to the ends of the arch, where the deflection is known to be zero, the two can be combined, yielding an equation containing (E+F) and (E-F). From this, by several substitutions, equations are produced for E and F. |
We have, further, from equations on pages 337 and 340,
A1 + B1 = (θ/θ1) (A + B) + [(θ1 — θ)/θ1]{— 2Hγ + 2[P — qa + ((qRsinβ)/2)]cosγ + [(qR)/4]sinγcosγ}, A1 — B1 = — [(qR))/4]μ = — [(qR)/4](β + 2βsin2β + 3sinβcosβ), by which A1B1 and are immediately found. |
30 - A1 and B1 Adding previously-derived equations for A1+B1 and A1-B1 yields an equation for A1. Substituting this value for A1 in the equation for A1-B1 produces an equation for B1. |
If we add the two equations on page 339, from which (15 ) was deduced, and in the result substitute the above value of (A1 + B1), we shall find the following expression for (C1+ D1); and the value of (C1 — D1) has already been found; thus we have
C1 + D1 = (θ/θ1)(C + D) + [(θ1 — θ)/θ1]{ — 2H sin + 2[P — qα + ((qRsinβ)/2)][1 — ((sin2γ)/2)] +qR[((sin γ)/4) — ((sin3γ)/6)]}, C1 — D1= — qRν = — qR(sinβ + (1/6)sin3β), from which C1 and D1 are found. |
31 - C1 and D1 Previously derived equations are combined to produce an equation for (C1+D1). Adding this to the previously derived equation for (C1-D1) and substituting previously derived values for the (C+D) term, produces an equation for C1. Substituting this value for C1 into the equation for C1-D1 yields an equation for D1 |
By adding the two equations on page 340 from which (17) was deduced, we obtain the following expression for (E1 + F1); and (E1 — F1) has already been found; thus we have
E1 + F1 = (A1 — B1)sinγ — (θ/θ1)(A — B)sinγ + (θ/θ1)(E + F) + [(θ1 — θ)/θ]{2G(cosγ + γsinγ) +[(qRsinβ)/2](γ + sinγcosγ) + Q sin2γ + [(qR)/12]cos3γ}, E1 — F1 = qRε = qR[((cosβ)/2) + ((βsinβ)/2) — ((cos3β)/6)], from which E1 and F1 are found. |
32 - E1 and F1 Previously derived equations are combined to produce an equation for (E1+F1). Adding this to the previously derived equation for (E1-F1) and substituting previously derived values for the (A1-B1) and (A-B) terms, produces an equation for E1. Substituting this value for E1 into the equation for E1-F1 yields an equation for F1 |
The expressions for (A1 — B1), (C1 + D1), (E1 + F1), may also be put under the following forms: —
A1 + B1= — 2Hσ + 2[P — qα + ((qRsinβ)/2)]σ3 + ((qR)/4)σ1, C1 + D1= — 2Hσ2 + 2[P — qα + ((qRsinβ)/2)] (1 — σ4) + qR((σ2/4) — σ5), E1 + F1 = — 2Qχ1 + [(qR)/4] ∙ (σ3/σ)μ + qRsinβ[((σ — σ1)/2) — (σ23/σ)] + [(qR)/4] [((σ1σ3)/σ) + σ3 — 2σ6], and a good verification of the correctness of a large part of the whole work is obtained by computing these quantities under both forms. |
33 - A Check of work to this point |
Special Investigation for the Case of a Load Equally Distributed Over the Whole Arch. In the preceding investigation we supposed γ > β > — γ that is, one end-piece entirely loaded, and the other entirely unloaded. We cannot, then, apply our formulae to the case β = — α, which represents a load covering the whole arch. A special investigation for this case is therefore necessary. |
34 - Load Uniformly Distributed over Entire Arch β = — α describes a uniform load extending all the way across the arch. The derivation of the previous equations, describing partial loading, relied in part on the contrast between loaded and unloaded portions of the arch. These equations are not applicable where there is no unloaded part. The following equations address this condition.
Since in this case all is symmetrical with respect to the center of the arch, we need to consider only one-half of the arch, consisting of one end-piece (from φ = α to φ = γ) and one center-piece (from φ = γ to γ = 0). They are both loaded, and we can use for them the equations (9a) and (IXa). The whole load will be equally divided between the two piers, and therefore
P = P1 = qa = qR sin α. Hence our equations will be φ1 — φ = [R2/(εθ1)]{[N sinα — Q cosα — ((qR)/2)sin2α + ((qR)/4)]φ + Qsinφ — ((qR)/4)sinφcosφ + A}, (20) φ1 — φ = [R2/(εθ)]{[N sinα — Q cosα — ((qR)/2)sin2α + ((qR)/4)]φ + Qsinφ — ((qR)/4)sinφcosφ + A1}, (XX) |
35 - Angular Deflection in terms of φ, Q, N, and Constants Instead of four load conditions (center and end, loaded and unloaded), there are only two (center and end, both loaded). Only two equations are needed for unknown reactions. Because the fully-extended load is symmetrical, the vertical reactions P and P1 are equal to each other and to qRsinα, the load on the half-span. Also because of the symmetrical load, the deflection and consequently the moment at both ends of the span is the same. Equations (9a) and (IXa) describe angular deflection for locations in a loaded end and a loaded center piece. Replacing P in the equations with its value, qRsinα, yields equations (20) and (XX) giving deflection in terms of φ, Q, N, and constants of integration A and A1. |
343 | |
Since in (20) we have φ1 — φ = 0 for φ = α , we find
A = —[N sinα — Q cosα — ((qR)/2)sin2α + ((qR)/4)]α — Qsinα + ((qR)/4)sinαcosα |
36 - A in terms of N and Q Applying equation (20) to the fixed end of the arch, where the deflection is known to be zero enables writing an equation for A in terms of N and Q |
and since in (XX) φ1 — φ = 0 for φ = 0, we have
A1 = 0. |
37 - A1 = 0 for this load condition Because angular deflection is known to be zero at the crown of a symmetrical arch carrying a symmetrical load, and the other terms sum to zero at φ=0, the value of A1 must also be zero. |
And since the two equations must be identical for φ = γ, we deduce 0 = [θα + (θ1 — θ)γ]{Nsinα — Qcosα — [(qR)/2]sin2α + [(qR)/4]} + [θsinα + (θ1 — θ)sinγ]Q — [θsinαcosα + (θ1 — θ)sinγcosγ][(qR)/4]; whence, with the notation before used (p. 338), Nsinα = Q[cosα — (σ2/σ)] +qR[ — (1/4) + ((sin2α)/2) + (σ1/(4σ))]. (21) |
38 - Nsinα in terms of Constants Because the deflection must be identical at the point of transition from reinforced end to unreinforced center piece; the values of (20) and (XX) must be identical at φ = γ. Subtracting the two equations and setting them equal to zero yields equation (21) which states Nsinα in terms of Q. |
Substituting this value, our equations become φ1 — φ = [R2/(εθ1)] {[(qR)/4) ∙ (σ1/σ) — Q ∙ (σ2/σ)]φ +Qsinφ — [(qR)/4]sinφcosφ +A}, (22) φ1 — φ = [R2/(εθ)] {[(qR)/4) ∙ (σ1/σ) — Q ∙ (σ2/σ)]φ +Qsinφ — [(qR)/4]sinφcosφ}, (XXII) |
39 - Angular Deflection in terms of φ and Q Equations (20) and (XX) state deflection in terms of φ and unknown reaction N and Q. Replacing the factor Nsinα with its value from equation (21) yields new equations (22) and (XXII). These provide the angular deflection |
and the constant A becomes
A= — [((qR)/4) ∙ (σ1/σ) — Q ∙ (σ2/σ)]α — Qsinα + ((qR)/4)sinαcos α. |
40 - Value of A Subtracting (22) and (XXII) eliminates variable φ, yielding an equation for A in terms of Q. |
Multiplying the equations (22) and (XXII) by Rdφsinφ, and integrating, we deduce, as on pages 338 and 339,
x1 — x = [R3/(εθ1)]{[((qR)/4) ∙ (σ1/σ) — Q ∙ (σ2/σ)](sinφ — φcosφ) + Q ∙ ((φ — sinφcosφ)/2)— ((qR)/12)sin3φ — Acosφ + C}, (23) x1 — x = [R3/(εθ)]{[((qR)/4) ∙ (σ1/σ) — Q ∙ (σ2/σ)](sinφ — φcosφ) + Q ∙ ((φ — sinφcosφ)/2)— ((qR)/12)sin3φ}, (XXIII) where no constant is added in (XXIII) for the center-piece, since we must have x1 — x = 0 for φ = 0. |
41 - Horizontal Deflection in terms of φ, Q Equations (22) and (XXII) provide angular deflection, (φ1 — φ), in terms of Q and constants. In the discussion of equations (13), it was established that incremental linear horizontal deflection, in terms of angular deflection: dx1-dx =Rdφ(φ1 – φ)sinφ. Substituting equations (22) and (XXII) for the term (φ1 – φ) creates equations for the incremental deflection (dx1 – dx) in terms of φ, horizontal reaction Q, and constants. Integrating these produces equations (23) and (XXIII), for total horizontal deflection (x1-x). Integration produces constant of integration C. |
Also, multiplying (22) and (XXII) by — Rdφcosφ and integrating, we deduce
y1 — y = [R3/(εθ1)]{—[((qR)/4) ∙ (σ1/σ) — Q ∙ (σ2/σ)](cosφ — φsinφ) — Q ∙ ((sin2φ)/2) — ((qR)/12)cos3φ — Asinφ + E}, (24) y1 — y = [R3/(εθ)]{—[((qR)/4) ∙ (σ1/σ) — Q ∙ (σ2/σ)](cosφ — φsinφ) — Q ∙ ((sin2φ)/2) — ((qR)/12)cos3φ + E1}. (XXIV) |
42 - Vertical Deflection in Terms of φ and Q Equations (22) and (XXII) provide angular deflection (φ1 — φ) in terms of Q and constants. In the discussion of equations (13), it was established that incremental linear vertical deflection, in terms of angular deflection: dy1-dy =Rdφ(φ1 – φ)cosφ. Substituting equations (22) and (XXII) for the term (φ1 – φ) creates equations for the incremental vertical deflection (dy1 – dy) in terms of φ, horizontal reaction Q, and constants. Integrating these produces equations (24) and (XXIV), for total vertical deflection (y1-y). Integration produces constants of integration E and E1. |
Since (23) gives x1 — x = 0 for φ = α, we find, by introducing the value of A,
C = — [((qR)/4) ∙ (σ1/σ) — Q ∙ (σ2/σ)]sinα — Q ∙ [(α + sinαcosα)/2] + qR[((sinα)/4) — ((sin3α)/6)]. |
43 - Constant of Integration C in terms of φ and Q Applying equation (23) to the fixed end of the arch, where deflection is known to be zero and substituting the previously determined value for A, enables writing an equation for C in terms of φ, Q, and constants. |
344 | |
And since (23) and (XXIII) are identical for φ = γ, we deduce
0 = (θ1 — θ) {[((qR)/4) ∙ (σ1/σ) — Q ∙ (σ2/σ)](sinγ — γcosγ) +Q ∙ [(γ — sinγcosγ)/2] — ((qR)/12)sin3γ} + θ {[((qR)/4) ∙ (σ1/σ) — Q ∙ (σ2/σ)](sinα — αcosγ) + Q ∙ [((α + sinαcosα)/2) — sinαcosγ]} + θqR[((sinαcosαcosγ)/4) — ((sinα)/4) + ((sin3α)/6)]}; from which, with the notation already employed (p. 340), we find Q = qR((2x3)/x), (25) or exactly twice the value of Q for a load on one-half the span, as found by putting β = 0 in the equation (16). |
44 - Equation for Q Because the deflection must be identical at the point of transition from reinforced end to unreinforced center piece; the values of (23) and (XXIII) must be identical at φ = γ. Subtracting them yields equation (25) giving Q in terms of constants. |
For the moment Na, we now have, by (21),
Na = qR2{ — [(2x3)/x] [(σ2/σ) — cosα] — (1/4) + [(sin2α)/2] + [σ1/(4σ)]}. (26) |
45 - Equation for Na Replacing Q in equation (21) with its value from equation (25), yields equation (26) which states Na in terms of constants. |
For the computation of the deflections we must know the constants A,C,E,E1. The values of A and C have already been found. To find E and E1 we have the condition that (24) must give y1 — y = 0 for φ = α, and hence,
E = [((qR)/4) ∙ (σ1/σ) — Q ∙ (σ2/σ)]cosα — Q ∙ ((sin2α)/2)+ qR[((cosα)/4) — ((cos3α)/6)]; |
46 - Constant of Integration E The text states that the constants of integration are needed to compute deflections. In fact, Chapter XXVII does not compute deflections for this load condition, so these values are not used. By applying deflection equation (24) to the fixed end of the arch, where deflection is known to be zero, an equation can be written for E in terms of Q and constants. |
and since (24) and (XXIV) must be identical for θ γ,
E1 = (θ/θ1)(E — Asinγ) + (θ1 — θ)/θ1{[((qR)/4) ∙ (σ1/σ) — Q ∙ (σ2/σ)](cosγ + γsinγ) + Q ∙ [(sin2γ)/2] + [(qR)/12]cos3γ}. |
47 - Constant of Integration E1 Because the deflection must be identical at the point of transition from reinforced end to unreinforced center piece; the values of (24) and (XXIV) must be identical at φ = γ. They can be subtracted produce an equation for E1 in terms of Q and constants. |
RESISTANCES OF THE PIERS PRODUCED BY THE PERMANENT LOAD. The permanent load is the weight of the superstructure (arches and road-ways). It may for simplicity, and with sufficient accuracy, be regarded as a load uniformly distributed, horizontally, over the whole span. The formulas for this case have just been found on the last two pages. We have only to use in these formulae the value of q, which expresses the weight of superstructure coming on one rib per linear foot of the span. |
48 - Reactions due to Permanent (Dead) Load The permanent load is treated as a uniform load of q1= 1 ton per foot, extending all the way across the arch. The equations just derived, for reactions due to a uniform load extending all the way across the arch are applicable. |
MOMENTS OF FLEXURE AND RESULTING STRAINS PRODUCED BY MOVABLE AND PERMANENT LOADS. The values of P, Q, and Na being found, the moment M for the different parts of the arch and for various loads will be computed by the equations (8a) and (8b). As the values of M will be computed for equidistant points of the span, it will be convenient to compute an auxiliary table of the values of y by means of the equations sinφ = (1 — m)sina, y = R(cosφ — cosα), for the successive values of m, as (1/8), (2/8), (3/8), etc., up to (16/8) or 2; we can then readily compute the moment M by the following equations: — For loaded part, For unloaded part, The load will be taken for the cases in which it covers (1/8), (2/8) , (3/8) , etc., of the span, up to (8/8) or the whole span; the corresponding values of n, being (1/4), (2/4), (3/4), ect., up to (8/4) or 2. |
49 - After equations are derived, they are used to construct a table of reactions for each anticipated conditions of loading. The weight of a train will be represented by a uniform load of 0.8 tons per lineal foot of bridge deck, applied to the portion of the bridge covered by the train. Reactions are tabulated for this load extending from one end out to 1/8, 2/8 etc, up to 8/8 of the way across the bridge.
For each of the load conditions, the moment, M, will be calculated each of 17 stations spaced equally across the length of the arch. When the loaded area extends part-way across the arch, different equations are used to compute the moment at stations located within and outside of the loaded area. For loaded part, For unloaded part, |
The strains on each member resulting from the moment M will follow from the equation
T = + or — (M/δ) δ being the distance between the centers of the members. The {upper/lower} sign will be used for the {upper/lower} member; and positive values of T will express compressive strain, negative values tensile strain. |
The moment is resisted by the force-couple of compression and tension in the arch’s chord members. With the moment and the distance separating the chords, the axial forces in the chords, caused by the moment, can be calculated. |
345 | |
The values of T for the permanent load will be found from the values previously found for the movable load with n = 2, by multiplying these values by the ratio q'/q, q being the movable load, and q' the permanent load per linear foot of the span. | The equations describing a uniform load extending all the way across the arch are applicable to the permanent load (dead load) and to the moving load (live load) generated by a train of cars which extends all the way across the arch. The equations only need to be solved once, the forces induced in the arch members will be proportional to the loads, q or q’, which generate them. |
STRAINS IN THE DIRECTION OF THE ARCH, AND SHEARING STRAINS. On page 333 we separated the total force into a moment of flexure M, and a force S acting at the center of the arch. The force S was further resolved into its components S' and S", the former lying in the direction of a tangent to the central curve of the arch, the latter in the direction of the normal. We distinguish S' as the strain in the direction of the arch, S" as the shearing strain. If V is the vertical force acting at any point (x, y), and φ the angle which the tangent to the curve at this point makes with the horizontal line, we have. S' =Qcosφ + Vsinφ, S'' =Qsinφ — Vcosφ, |
50 - Shear and Force Along the Arch The force S mentioned on page 333 is the resultant of the horizontal reaction Q and vertical force V. V is the sum of the vertical reactions and loads acting between the point under consideration and the end of the arch (vertical shear). The vector sum of Q and V is resolved as S’, a compressive force acting along the arch tangent to the neutral axis, and S”, a shear force acting at a right angle to the neutral axis, toward or away from the center of the arch. See figure 13.
Forces at Point F on Neutral Axis
Graphic Solution
S' = Qcosφ + Vsinφ S" = Qsinφ - Vcosφ figure 13 - S' and S" |
and the value of V will be
For loaded part, V= P — qx = P — qma; For unloaded part, V= P — qna. The value of S', from the nature of the case, will always be positive, and be compressive strain. The value of S" will be positive in some parts of the arch and negative in others. The positive value will be a strain towards the center; the negative value a strain from the center. As in our formulas we reckon from the pier to which P belongs, S" is the shearing strain of that segment of the arch which extends from that pier to the point at which the strain is considered to exist. Since the movable loads may extend from either end of the bridge, all the strains computed for one-half the arch must also be applied to the other half in deducing the necessary sectional areas of the members and braces, as will be illustrated hereafter. |
51 - Value of V The vertical force consists of end reaction P plus the uniform load, q tons / ft. If the uniform load extends only part-way across the span and F falls outside the loaded area, the load will equal q times the extent of the loaded area, na. If F falls within the loaded area, only the load attributed to ma, the portion of the loaded area between F and the end of the span, is included in V. See figure 9 for illustration of qna, qma, and qx. Because the analysis is made relative to the loaded end of the arch, it must be repeated for the case where the load extends from the other end of the span. |
The values of S' and S" for permanent load will be found by the same formulae, taking the proper values of Q and P for this case, and V=P — q'ma, q' being the permanent load per linear foot of the span. |
52 - V produced by Permanent Load Permanent load is a uniform load of q’ tons / foot extending all the way across the arch. The equation for F within the loaded area applies. |
EFFECT OF CHANGES OF TEMPERATURE UPON THE ARCH. If the rib was allowed to expand and contract freely, no strains would be produced by a change of temperature. The figures of the arch assumed at different temperatures would be similar; and if we denote by λ the linear expansion, for a given change of temperature, of a bar of the same material as that composing the rib, and of the length = 1, the linear dimensions of any portion of the rib, after the change of temperature has taken place, would be expressed by multiplying its dimensions before the change by 1 + λ. The span of the rib before the change being denoted by 2a, it would after the change, no obstacle existing to its expansion, be 2a (1 + λ). But the piers prevent this change, by the resistances which they exert; and the resulting curve of the rib is that which would result if to the expanded arch of the span 2a (1 + λ), resistances were applied which reduce this span to 2a. But since the change 2aλ is very small compared with the whole span, it will be sufficiently accurate to investigate the amount of the resistances which would reduce the original arch of the span 2a to one of the span 2a(1 — λ). This somewhat simplifies the investigation, which is necessarily but approximative in its nature; especially as we regard the modulus of elasticity of steel (ε) as constant under the different temperatures considered, whereas it is doubtless subject to changes which would affect our results by minute fractions of the same order as those which we neglect in the method here adopted. Since the weight of the bridge is not changed by the temperature, the resistances at the pier may be considered as consisting of a horizontal force Q and a moment Na. The moment of flexure for any point (x, y) of the deflected arch is, then, M = Na + Qy = NRsinα + QR(cosφ — cosα); |
53 - Effect of Temperature If it were unrestrained, the arch would grow or shrink in response to changes in temperature, by a factor of 1+ λ, where λ is the coefficient of thermal expansion of steel. The arch is free to expand and contract in the vertical direction but is restrained against horizontal movement by the supports. When the temperature changes, the supports exert a horizontal force Q which neutralizes the horizontal component of the thermal expansion. The horizontal force Q generates a moment at every point on the arch equal to Qy. Moment Qy produces a change of curvature which is resisted by the fixed ends of the arch, producing a secondary moment Na. The total moment at any point x,y along the arch is: M = Na + Qy, or stated in the polar coordinate system used throughout the analysis: M = NRsinα + QR(cosφ — cosα)
M=Na + Qy,
M = NRsinα + QR(cosφ — cosα)
figure 14 - Thermal Expansion
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and since our equations (VII) and (7) are general, we shall have
For end-piece, For center-piece, Integrating: — φ1 — φ = [R2/(εθ)]{(Nsinα — Qcosα)φ + Qsinφ}; (XXVIII) no constant being required in the last equation, since at the center of the arch we must have φ1 — φ = 0 for φ = 0. |
54 - Angular Deflection due to Temperature in terms of φ, N and Q Because the arch is symmetrical, only half of the span, from φ = α to φ = 0 needs to be considered. At the crown of the arch there is no change of inclination: φ = φ1 = 0. Equation (VII) and (7) give the angular deflection of an infinitesimal element of the arch in terms of moment M. Substituting the equation derived above for the value of M yields equations (27) and (XXVII) stating the deflection of an element of the arch, (dφ1 — dφ) in terms of φ, N and Q due to temperature. Integrating (27) and (XXVII) yields equations (28) and (XXVIII) giving total deflection (φ1 — φ) at points within each section of the arch. The constant of integration, A, accounts for the influence of the fixed end. |
Since from (28) we must have φ1 — φ = 0 for φ = α, we deduce
A = — (Nsinα — Qcosα) α — Qsinα |
55 - Constant of integration A in terms of N and Q At the fixed end of the arch, angular deflection, (dφ1-dφ) = 0. Because [R2/(εθ1)] does not equal 0, the second term of (28) must equal 0 when φ = α. 0 = (Nsinα — Qcosα)α + Qsinα + A A = - ( Nsinα — Qcosα)α - Qsinα |
and since (28) and (XXVIII) are identical for φ = γ we deduce
0 = (θ1 — θ){(Nsinα — Qcosα)γ + Qγ} — θA. Substituting in this the preceding value of A, and introducing the symbols of σ and σ2 with the significations adopted on page 338, we find Nsinα = — [(σ2/σ) — cosα] Q, (29) |
56 - Value of N in terms of Q At the transition from the reinforced end piece to the unreinforced center piece, the angular deflection predicted by (28) and (XXVIII) must be identical. Subtracting the two equations and setting the result equal to zero yields an equation including N, Q, and A. Substituting in this the previously defined value of A and the constants σ1 and σ2, the equation reduces to (29) giving Nsinα in terms of Q. |
by means of which our equations now become
φ1 — φ = [R2/(εθ1)] Q[sinφ — (σ2/σ)φ + (σ2/σ)α — sinα], (30) φ1 — φ = [R2/(εθ)] Q[sinφ — (σ2/σ)φ]. (XXX) |
57 - Angular deflection in terms of φ and Q Substituting (29) for the value of Nsinα in equations (28) and (XXVIII) and replacing A in (28) with its value defined above, yields equations (30) and (XXX) giving the angular deflection of an element, within the reinforced end or the unreinforced center, in terms of φ and Q due to temperature change. |
Multiplying these by Rdφ sin φ and integrating, we deduce, as on pages 338 and 339,
x1 — x =[R3/(εθ1)] Q{[(φ — sinφcosφ)/2] — (σ2/σ) (sinφ — φcosφ) — [((σ2α/σ) — sinα]cosφ + C}, (31) x1 — x =[R3/(εθ)] Q{[(φ — sinφcosφ)/2] — (σ2/σ) (sinφ — φcosφ)}, (XXXI) no constant being necessary in the last equation, since we must have x1 — x = 0, for φ = 0. |
58 - Horizontal Deflection in terms of φ and Q The equation dx1 - dx = Rd φ(φ1 – φ) states incremental linear deflection in terms of angular deflection. Substituting equations (30) and (XXX) for the term (φ1 — φ) creates equations for the incremental deflection (dx1-dx) in terms of reaction Q. Integrating the equations for (dx1-dx) produces equations (31) and (XXXI), stating total horizontal deflection (x1 -x) in terms of φ and Q due to temperature change. Integration produces constant of integration C, representing the influence of the fixed end of the arch. |
Also multiplying (30) and (XXX) by — Rdφcosφ and integrating, we obtain
y1 — y = [R3/(εθ1)] Q { — [(sin2φ)/2] + (σ2/σ)(cosφ + φsinφ) — [((σ2α)/σ) — sinα]sinφ + E}, (32) y1 — y = [R3/(εθ)] Q { — [(sin2φ)/2] + (σ2/σ)(cosφ + φsinφ) + E1}. (XXXII) |
59 - Vertical Deflection in terms of φ and Q The equation dy1 - dy = — Rd φ( φ1 - φ)cosφ, states incremental linear deflection in terms of angular deflection. Substituting equations (30) and (XXX) for the term (φ1 — φ) creates equations for the incremental deflection (dy1-dy) in terms of reactions Q. Integrating the equations for (dy1-dy) produces equations (32) and (XXXII), for total vertical deflection (y1-y) in terms of φ and Q. Integration produces constants of integration E and E1, summarizing for each equation, the accumulating influence of the preceeding sections of the arch. |
Since the resistances of the piers are supposed to change the length of the span by the quantity 2λa, each end of the arch is displaced horizontally by the quantity λa that is, the equation (31) must give
x1 — x = λa when φ = α hence λa = [R3/(εθ1)] Q {[(α + sinαcosα)/2] — (σ2/σ)sinα + C}. |
60 - Horizontal Deflection at End of Arch Because the ends of the arch cannot move, expansion causes a reaction force (Q) which stretches or compresses the arch by exactly amount needed to neutralize the dimension change due to temperature. x1 - x = λa when φ = α. Setting φ = α and (x1-x) = λa, equation (31) becomes: λa = [R3/(εθ1)] Q {[(α + sinαcosα)/2] — (σ2/σ)sinα + C} |
The equations (31) and (XXXI) being identical for φ = γ we deduce
C = — [(θ1-θ)/θ] {[(γ — sin γcos γ)/2] — (σ2/σ)(sinγ — γcosγ)} + [(σ2/σ)α — sinα]cosγ, which can be reduced to the form C = [(θ1 — θ)/θ]{[(&gamma + sin γcos γ)/2] —(σ2/σ)sinγ}, |
61 - Value of C At the transition from reinforced end piece to unreinforced center piece, the horizontal deflection predicted by equations (31) and (XXXI) must be identical. Subtracting the equations yields a value for C. |
and this, substituted in the equation for λa, gives (by bringing θ outside the brackets and putting θ1 within them),
λa = [R3/(εθ)]Q{(θ/θ1) ∙ [(α + sinαcosα)/2] + [(θ1 — θ)/θ1] ∙ [(γ + sinγcosγ)/2] — (σ2/σ)[(θ/θ1)sinα + ((θ1 — θ)/θ1)sinγ]} = [R3/(εθ)]Q[((σ + σ1)/2) — (σ2/σ)], where σ1 also has the value given on page 338. Hence, employing the symbol x with the signification assigned on page 340, we have Q = (2λaεθ)/(xR3) = (2λεθsinα)/(xR2).    (33) |
62 - Reaction Q due to Thermal Expansion Substituting the value for C yields an equation for λa in terms of Q. Substituting previously-defined constants for brevity, this reduces to equation (33) giving Q in terms of λ. |
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Having thus found Q, the moment Na is found by (29), which gives
Na = — [(σ2/σ) — cosα]QR. (34) We can now compute the moment of flexure at the different points of the arch by the equation M = Na + Qy for any supposed change of temperature. If we suppose the extreme range of the temperature to which the arch will be exposed to be 80° above and below a mean temperature of 60° Fahrenheit, we shall have, by the known linear expansion of steel for a change of 80° Fahrenheit, λ = 0.000527. For a decrease of temperature, the same formulae will be applicable by taking λ with the negative sign. |
63 - Moment M as function of Temperature Equation (29) gives Nsinα as a function of Q. Since Rsinα = a (length of the half-span), multiplying (29) by R yields (34), an equation for Na in terms of Q. With the value of Q and Na provided by equations (33) and (34), the value of M can be computed for any change of temperature. In the formulas, positive λ represents an increase, negative λ a decrease of temperature. |
and since (32) and (XXXII) must be identical for φ= γ,
E1= — (θ/θ1){(σ2/σ)(αsinγ + cosα) — sinαsinγ + [(sin2α)/2]} — [(θ1 — θ)/θ]{(σ2/σ)(cosγ + γsin γ) — [(sin2γ)/2]}; or with the notation of pages 338 and 340, E1= — [((σ2σ3)/σ) + σ4] = — x1. |
64 - Constant of Integration E1 At the transition between the reinforced end and the unreinforced center piece, the vertical deflection prediced by (32) and (XXXII) must be identical. Substituting the equation above for the value of E in equation (XXXII) and subtracting the equations yields an equation for E1. |
The greatest deflection in the vertical direction will take place at the crown of the arch. If we denote it by y0 we shall have, by putting φ = 0 in (XXXII),
y0 = [R3/(εθ)] ∙ Q [x1 — (σ2/σ)], which, with the values of the constants hereafter given, will be found to = 8.7 inches. |
65 - Vertical Deflection due to Temperature, Y0 The greatest vertical deflection due to temperature change will occur at mid-span. Equation (XXXII), giving vertical deflection for the unreinforced part of the arch, is applicible. Setting φ = 0, and using the above value for E1 to account for the deflection between the unreinforced section and the fixed end, equation (XXXII) reduces to: Y0 = [R3/(εθ)] ∙ Q [x1 — (σ2/σ)] At the maximum design temperature, the crown of the arch will rise by 8.7 inches above its elevation at the "neutral" temperature of 60 degrees. |
STRAINS RESULTING FROM CHANGE OF TEMPERATURE. These will be computed in the same manner as for occasional loads (page 344). Thus, the strain in a member from the moment of flexure will be T= ± [(Na + Qy)/δ]. The strain in the direction of the arch will be S ' = Qcosφ. The shearing strain will be S " = Qsinφ. |
66 - Forces Produced by Change of Temperature (Recalling the informal use of the term “Strain”, in the text, to mean any force) The moment produced by temperature change is predicted by the equation M = Na + Qy. Substituting this value for M in the equation for axial force in the chords given on page 344, yields an equation for axial force due to temperature change. The equations for S’ and S” introduced on page 345 include a term for the vertical component: S' = Q cos φ + V sin φ (force along arch) S" = Q sin φ — V cos φ, (normal shear) Because the arch is free to expand vertically, temperature change generates only a horizontal force Q. The “V” term of the equations can be omitted to produce the equations for S’ and S” due to temperature change. |
figure 15 - Equations and Constants